medi vision® – the digital assistant for taking measurements of medical compression garments

medi vision® – the digital assistant for taking measurements of medical compression garments

One app for round and flat knit: from taking measurements to ordering – mobile or within medical supply stores

Digital measurement with medi vision is an innovative experience for specialist supplier and patients: The measurement data of round and flat knit customers is recorded and processed almost contact-free.

What is medi vision®?

medi vision combines a tablet with a 3D camera and the specifically developed software. It supports the process from taking measurements to ordering – in medical supply stores or mobile at patients´ homes and in clinics.

With the medi vision app, you can take measurements easily and digitally to effectively configure mediven compression garments for round and flat knit. The scan generates an exact 3D model with all relevant measurements almost contact-free. The measurement data is automatically incorporated into the ordering process in the medi e-shop.

The result: exactly fitting products and satisfied customers thanks to modern advice and customised care.

medi vision benefit: one app for round and flat knit

medi vision®: benefits for patients and and medical supplier

  • One App for round and flat knit: Simple and effective way to the fitting compression garment.
  • Measure first order later: In medical supply stores or on the move flexible in use. 
  • Satisfied customers due to modern advice: Pleasant, hygienic and individual care.

Taking measurements digitally: 3D scan now with two scan options

The trained specialist scans the patient's limb with a 3D camera. The tool then generates an exact 3D model with all the relevant measurements. This is done digitally, ergonomically, conveniently and almost contact-free.

Depending on the space available or individual customer requirements, there is now a choice of two scan variants:


"I like the scan functions at medi vision best, as it allows me to take my patients’ skin measurements comfortably and ergonomically. My expertise is still very important here: I can decide for myself where the individual measurement points need to be placed and adjusted."

Michaela Löser, Specialist at Sanitätshaus Rulitschka

Functions for medical supply stores: medi vision® is flexible, mobile and comfortable

Automated tension measurement calculation:
(based on the medi flat knit algorithm, which a European patent has already been applied for)

medi vision calculates the tension measurements automatically after the skin measurements have been taken by scan. The expertise of specialists is irreplaceable: defined control measurements are always measured manually.



“The automatic tension measurement calculation in the medi vision app is an ingenious function. It supports my employees and me with flat knit garments. The defined control measurement points are measured manually. Experience in manual measurement is therefore required and expertise is encouraged.” 

Martin Roth, Management at Schuhorthopädie Roth, about his favourite medi vision function "automatic tension measurement calculation"


“What I like most about medi vision is that it can be used so flexibly. The digital system helps me even when I’m out in the field – for example, in hospitals or with patients at home.” 

Timo Scholz, Specialist at Sanitätshaus Scholz, talking about the mobile use of medi vision


Do you want to impress your customers with medi vision®?  

The following requirements are necessary for a proper use of the medi vision scan function:

  • The minimum space required is 1.5 x 2 metres for the multi-view scan or 2 x 2 metres fort he full-cirlce scan – idealy 2.2 x 2.2 metres.
  • Avoid direct light (e.g. sunlight or ceiling light) and dim it by window shades. If required switch oft he lighting during the scan.
  • Cover reflecting objects or surfaces (e.g. mirrors). For the scan area a neutral, even floor (without patterns, no deep-pile carpet) is required.

Download now: 10 tipps for a perfect scan


Additional information for specialists: 

Contact your medi sales representative!


medi vision training videos

Everything worth knowing about medi vision is explained within the detailed instruction videos: