Variety guarantees successful treatment
Which explains why we offer different pantyhose models.
Pantyhose with compressive panty top
- Large panty top circumference
- Soft connective tissue
- Pendulous abdomen
- Abdominal muscle weakness
- Diastasis (abdominal separation)
- Pelvic vein thrombosis
Possible for:
Maternity pantyhose AT/U, closed
Maternity pantyhose AT/U, open
- for mothers-to-be with tenderness to pressure over the abdominal region
Possible for:
Pantyhose with stoma opening
Pantyhose with 1 leg
- Alternative to suspender belt or topband
- Proximal thromboses
Possible for:
Pantyhose with an open gusset
- patients with severely restricted mobility
- incontinent patients
- Indwelling catheter wearers
- gynaecological fungal infections
Possible for: